Some of the IT QA services
we offer:

This involves testing the software's functionality to ensure that it meets the intended requirements.

This involves testing the software's performance, including its speed, stability, scalability, and resource usage, to ensure that it performs well under different conditions.

This involves testing the software's user interface and user experience to ensure that it is user-friendly and intuitive.

This involves testing the software's compatibility with different platforms, operating systems, and devices to ensure that it works seamlessly across all platforms.

This involves testing the software after any changes or updates have been made to ensure that the changes did not introduce any new bugs or issues.

This involves testing the software's security to ensure that it is protected against unauthorized access, attacks, and data breaches.

TekStripes’ IT QA services team can provide many benefits, such as access to specialized expertise, reduced costs, and improved efficiency.

Overall, IT QA services are critical for ensuring the quality and reliability of software, and they play an essential role in delivering a positive user experience.

Automation QA

IT automation QA, also known as test automation, refers to the use of software tools to automate the process of testing software applications. It involves the creation and execution of automated tests, which can help speed up the testing process, reduce errors, and improve the accuracy of test results.

Here are some key aspects of IT automation QA:

There are many tools available for IT automation QA, such as Selenium, Appium, TestComplete, and Katalon Studio, to name a few. These tools enable testers to create, execute, and manage automated tests, as well as generate reports and analyze results.

Test automation involves scripting test cases that can be executed by the automation tool. These scripts are written in programming languages such as Java, Python, or Ruby.

IT automation QA can be integrated into the software development process, which involves continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD). This ensures that automated tests are run automatically whenever new co

Test automation frameworks provide a structure for organizing and managing automated tests. Common frameworks include Keyword-driven, Data-driven, and Behavior-driven development frameworks.

As software applications evolve, the automated tests need to be updated and maintained to ensure that they continue to provide accurate results.

TekStripes’ IT QA services team can provide many benefits, such as access to specialized expertise, reduced costs, and improved efficiency.

Overall, IT automation QA is a valuable tool for software development and maintenance, providing numerous benefits for developers, testers, and end-users alike.

Benefits of IT Automation QA

  • Faster Testing : Automated tests can be run much faster than manual tests, allowing for more tests to be performed in a shorter amount of time.
  • Improved Accuracy : Automated tests are more consistent and accurate than manual tests, reducing the likelihood of human error.
  • Cost Savings : By reducing the time and effort required for testing, IT automation QA can help save costs associated with manual testing.
  • Improved Quality : By detecting defects early in the development process, IT automation QA can help improve the overall quality of the software application.
  • Scalability : Automated tests can be run on multiple devices and platforms simultaneously, allowing for testing at scale.

Overall, IT automation QA is a valuable tool for software development and maintenance, providing numerous benefits for developers, testers, and end-users alike.
